Monadicity of Inj0 over Top
Received:June 25, 1998  
Key Words: category   dual adjunction   meet-semilattice.  
Fund Project:Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (19701020) and Supported by the Teaching and Research Award Fund for Qutstanding Young Teachers in Higher Education Institiions of MOE.
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Dong-sheng Nanyang Technological University
ZHAO Bin Dept. of Math.
Shaanxi Normal University
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      In this paper, we mainly prove that the category Inj0 of all injective T0-spaces and strongly algebraic maps is monadic over Top by showing that Inj0 is equal to the Eilenberg-Moore category TopT, where T is the monad produced by an dual adjunction between the category Top and the category Slat of all meet-semilattices which have top elements and semilattice homomorphisms.
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