Characterization of Connected Graphs with Maximum Domination Number
Received:November 02, 1997  Revised:July 01, 1999
Key Words: connected graph   crown   domination number   domination critical graph  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Science Foundation of Jiangxi province.
Author NameAffiliation
XU Bao-gen Dept. of Math.
East China Jiaotong University
ZHOU Shang-chao Dept. of Math.
East China Jiaotong University
Hits: 1983
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      Let G be a connected graph of order p, and let γ(G) denote the domination number of G. Clearly, γ(G) ≤[p/2]. The aim of this paper is to characterize the graphs G that reaches this upper bound. The main results are as follows: (1) when p is even, γ(G) = p/2 if and only if either G≈C4 or G is the crown of a connected graph with p/2 vertices; (2) when p is odd, γ(G) = (p-1)/2 if and only if every spanning tree of G is one of the two classes of trees shown in Theorem 3.1.
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