The Structure of Certain K2OF
Key Words: K2-group   Hilbert symbol   Dennis-Stein symbol.  
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Author NameAffiliation
YUE Qin Inst. of Math., Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Dept. of Math., Xuzhou Normal University, Jiangsu 221009, China 
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      In this paper, we investigate the structure of K2OF for F = Q(d1/2), d ≡ -3 mod 9 and d ≠ -3. We find the element of order 3 of K2OF for F = Q((-21)1/2) and generated elements of K2OF≌z/(2)⊕z/(8)⊕z/(3) for F = Q((15)1/2). We get the property of R2F, which develops a Tate and Bass's theorem, and give the structure of K2OF for F = Q((29)1/2) and the presentation relations of SLn(OF)(n≥ 3).
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