Solvability and Iterative Construction of Solutions for a Class of K- Positive Definite Operator Equations in Uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces
Received:October 22, 1999  
Key Words: K-positive definite operator   solvability   iterative construction   uniformly smooth Banach space.  
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ZHOU Hai-yun Inst. of Appl. Math. & Mech.
Ordnance Engineering College
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      Let X be a uniformly smooth Banach space and let A:D(A)?X→X be a K-positive definite operator with D(A) = D(K) . Then there exists a constant β>0 such that for every x∈D(A) , ||Ax||≤β||Kx||. Furthermore, the operator A is closed, R(A) = A , and the equation Ax =f , for each f∈X, has a uniqne solution. Let {an}n≥0 be a real sequence in [0,1] satisfying conditions; (i)an→0(n→∞); and (ii)∑n=0an=∞, . Define the sequence {an}n≥0 iteratively by (?) Then the sequence {an}n≥0 defined by (*) converges strongly to the unique solution of the equation Ax=f in X.
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