The Dirac Structures and Poisson Reductions on Groupoids
Received:April 11, 2001  
Key Words: Poisson groupoid   Poisson action   Lie bialgebroid   Poisson homoge-neous.  
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Author NameAffiliation
ZHONG De-shou Dept. of Economics
China Youth University for Political Sciences
HE Long-guang Dept. of Math.
Capital Normal University
Beijing 100037. China 
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      In this paper, we discuss the Dirac structures in Lie bialgebroids and on groupoids. We use the conception of characteristic pairs of Dirac structures to give the new characterization about invariant Dirac structures on actions and pull back Dirac structures. We use the properties of Dirac structures to discuss Poisson homogeneous spaces and Poisson reduction.
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