G1 Continuous Condition of B-Spline Surfaces with Double Knots
Received:May 28, 2002  
Key Words: B-spline surface patches   double knots   geometric continuity.  
Fund Project:973 Foundation of China (G19980306007), National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (G1999014115, 60473108), Outstanding Young Teacher Foundation of Educational Department of China(60073038), Doctoral Program Foundation of Educational Department of China.
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Yan Dept. of Appl. Math.
Dalian Nationalities University
SHI Xi-quan Dept. of Math.
Dalian University of Technology
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      The conditions for G1 continuity between two adjacent bicubic B-spline surfaces with double interior knots along their common boundary curve are obtained in this paper, which are directly represented by the control points of the two B-spline surfaces. As stated by Shi Xi-quan and Zhao Yan, a local scheme of constructing G1 continuous B-spline surface models with single interior knots does not exist; we may achieve a local scheme of (true) G1 continuity over an arbitrary B-spline surface network using these conditions.
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