The Sp Property of a kind of Hankel Operators and Toeplitz Operators
Received:February 23, 2004  
Key Words: M\"{o}ebius group   weighted Bergman space   Toeplitz operator   Hankel operator   paracommutator   Schatten-von Neumann property.  
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Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Cheng-guo Dept. of Math., Central University for Nationalities, Beijing 100081, China 
YAO Zu-xi Dept. of Math., Central University for Nationalities, Beijing 100081, China 
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      For two kind of M\"{o}ebius invariant subspace $A^{\alpha,2} \left( {D} \right)$ and $A^{\beta ,2} \left( {D} \right)$ of $L^{\alpha ,2} \left( {D} \right)$, define the Toeplitz operators $T_{f}^{s}$ and Hankel operators $H_{f}^{r} $ on $A^{\alpha ,2} \left({D} \right)\times A^{\beta ,2} \left( {D} \right)$ with an arbitrary analytic ``symbol function'' $f$ on a unit disk, and study their boundedness, compactness and Schatten-von Neumann properties.
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