On Perfect Neighborhood and Irredundant Sets in Trees
Received:November 29, 2004  Revised:August 14, 2005
Key Words: perfect neighborhood set   irredundant set   independent   tree.  
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Author NameAffiliation
XIE Ting School of Math. Phys., Chongqing Institute of Technology, Chongqing 400050, China 
ZHONG Bo College of Math. Phys., Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
PENG Tao College of Math. Phys., Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China 
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      For any tree $T$, we give an Algorithm (A) with polynomial time complexity to get the perfect neighborhood set in $T$. Then we prove that $S$, which is a perfect neighborhood set of $T$ and $|S|=\Theta (T)$, is also a maximal irredundant set in $T$. We present an Algorithm~(B) with polynomial time complexity to form the perfect neighborhood set from the maximal irredundant set in $T$, and point out that $T$ has an independent perfect neighborhood set $U$ and $|U|\le |S|~(|S|$ the cardinality of a maximal irredundant set of $T)$.
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