Iteration Approximation for Fixed Point of Nonlinear $\Phi$-Pseudocontractive Mappings in Banach Spaces
Received:November 08, 2005  Revised:July 03, 2006
Key Words: $\Phi$-pseudocontractive mappings   Ishikawa iteration sequence with errors   fixed points.  
Fund Project:the Natural Science Foundation of Yunan Province (2006A0089M)
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Shao-rong College of Mathematics and Computer, Dali University, Yunnan 671000, China 
YANG Ze-heng College of Mathematics and Computer, Dali University, Yunnan 671000, China 
XION Ming College of Mathematics and Computer, Dali University, Yunnan 671000, China 
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      This paper deals with the iteration approximation problem of fixed point for the nonlinear quasi-$\Phi$-pseudocontractive mappings and $\Phi$-pseudocontractive mappings. The results presented in this paper show that the quasi-$\Phi$-pseudocontractive mapping and $\Phi$-pseudocontractive mapping $T$~($T$ may not be continuous) of the Ishikawa and Mann iterative sequences with errors converges strongly to the unique fixed point of $T$ in an arbitrary real Banach space $E$. Our results improve and extend some recent results, and improve the methods of proof.
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