The Fixed Point Theorem and the Iterative Approximation of Modified Cauchy Integral Operator of Regular Functions
Received:July 23, 2007  Revised:April 16, 2008
Key Words: real Clifford analysis   regular function   cauchy integral   the fixed point   mann iteration.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.\,10771049; 10771050); the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (No.\,A2007000225) and the Foundation of Hebei Normal University (No.\,L2007Q05); the 11th Five-Year Plan Educational and Scientif
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Li Ping School of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei Normal University, Hebei 050016, China 
PENG Wei Ling Department of Mathematics, Tonghua Teachers College, Jilin 134002, China 
XIAO Zhuo Feng Tibetan College of Hebei Normal University, Hebei 050091, China 
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      In the first part of this paper, we discuss the H\"{o}lder continuity of the cauchy integral operator for regular functions and the relation between $\|T[f]\|_{\alpha}$ and $\|f\|_{\alpha}$. In the second part of this paper, we introduce the modified cauchy integral operator $\widetilde{T}$ for regular functions. Firstly, we prove that the operator $\widetilde{T}$ has a unique fixed point by the Banach's Contraction Mapping Principle. Secondly, we give the Mann iterative sequence, and then we show the iterative sequence strongly converges to the fixed point of the operator $\widetilde{T}$.
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