The Hyperbolic Darboux Image and Rectifying Gaussian Surface of Nonlightlike Curve in Minkowski 3-Space
Received:June 08, 2006  Revised:May 23, 2007
Key Words: Minkowski 3-space   nonlightlike curve   hyperbolic Darboux image   rectifying Gaussian surface   singularity.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10471020); the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of China (No.05-0319).
Author NameAffiliation
CHE Ming Gang Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Jilin 130024, China
Department of Mathematics, Jilin Normal University, Jilin 136000, China 
JIANG Yang Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Jilin 130024, China
Department of Mathematics, Yangtze Normal University, Chongqing 408000, China 
PEI Dong He Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Northeast Normal University, Jilin 130024, China 
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      In this paper, we give the classification of the singularities of hyperbolic Darboux image and rectifying Gaussian surface of nonlightlike curve in Minkowski 3-space. We establish the relationship between the singularities and the geometric invariants of curves which are deeply related to its order of contact with helices.
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