Classification about Non-Solvable Groups with Exactly 40 Maximal Order Elements
Received:June 07, 2006  Revised:March 23, 2007
Key Words: maximal order element   non-solvable group   simple section.  
Fund Project:the Natural of Chongqing Three Gorge University (No.2007-sxxyyb-01).
Author NameAffiliation
DU Xiang Lin School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, China 
LIU Xue Fei School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, China 
WANG Shao Heng School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, China 
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      Let $\varphi$ be a homomorphism from a group $H$ to a group ${\rm Aut}(N)$. Denote by $H_{\varphi}\times N$ the semidirect product of $N$ by $H$ with homomorphism $\varphi$. This paper proves that: Let $G$be a finite nonsolvable group. If $G$ has exactly 40 maximal order elements, then $G$ is isomorphic to one of the following groups: (1)~$Z_{4\varphi}\times A_5$,\,${\rm ker}\varphi=Z_2$; (2)~$D_{8\varphi}\times A_5,\,{\rm ker}\varphi=Z_2\times Z_2$; (3)~$G/N=S_5$, $N=Z(G)=Z_2$; (4)~$G/N=S_5$, $N=Z_2\times Z_2,\,N\cap Z(G)=Z_2$.
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