Residual Cusum Test for Parameters Change in ARCH Errors Models with Deterministic Trend
Received:November 13, 2007  Revised:July 07, 2008
Key Words: residual cusum test   invariance principle   Brownian bridge   change point.  
Fund Project:the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.60375003; 60972150); the Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical University (No.2007KJ01033).
Author NameAffiliation
JIN Hao Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi 710072, China 
TIAN Zheng Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shaanxi 710072, China
State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100101, China 
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      This paper analyzes the problem of testing for parameters change in ARCH errors models with deterministic trend based on residual cusum test. It is shown that the asymptotically limiting distribution of the residual cusum test statistic is still the sup of a standard Brownian bridge under null hypothesis. In order to check this, we carry out a Monte Carlo simulation and examine the return of IBM data. The results from both simulation and real data analysis support our claim. We also can explain this phenomenon from a theoretical viewpoint that the variance in ARCH model in mainly determined by its parameters.
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