Randomly Weighted Sums for Negatively Associated Random Variables with Heavy Tails
Received:September 14, 2007  Revised:July 06, 2008
Key Words: asymptotic   heavy tails   negatively associated   uniformity.  
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Author NameAffiliation
ZONG Gao Feng School of Mathematics, Anhui University, Anhui 230039, China 
KONG Fan Chao School of Mathematics, Anhui University, Anhui 230039, China 
Hits: 2731
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      In 2003, Tang Qihe et al. obtained a simple asymptotic formula for independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables with heavy tails. In this paper, under certain moment conditions, we establish a formula as the same as Tang's, when random variables are negatively associated (NA).
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