Maps Preserving Zero Lie Brackets on a Maximal Nilpotent Subalgebra of the Symplectic Algebra
Received:October 26, 2009  Revised:May 31, 2010
Key Words: maximal nilpotent subalgebra   zero Lie brackets   symplectic algebra.  
Fund Project:Supported by the Doctor Foundation of Henan Polytechnic University (Grant No.B2010-93), the Natural Science Research Program of Education Department of Henan Province (Grant No.2011B110016), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (Grant No.11230
Author NameAffiliation
Yan Xia ZHAO School of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Polytechnic University, Henan 454000, P. R. China 
Deng Ying WANG Department of Mathematics, China University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu 221008, P. R. China 
Dong Fang JIA Department of Mathematics, Tangshan Normal University, Hebei 063000, P. R. China 
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      Let $F$ be a field with char $F\neq2$, $l$ a maximal nilpotent subalgebra of the symplectic algebra $\sp(2m,F)$. In this paper, we characterize linear maps of $l$ which preserve zero Lie brackets in both directions. It is shown that for $m\geq 4$, a map $\varphi$ of $l$ preserves zero Lie brackets in both directions if and only if $\varphi=\psi_{c}\sigma_{T_0}\lambda_{\alpha}\phi_{d}\eta_{f}$, where $\psi_{c}, \sigma_{T_0}, \lambda_{\alpha}, \phi_{d}, \eta_{f}$ are the standard maps preserving zero Lie brackets in both directions.
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