On Ordered Ideals in Ordered Semirings
Received:July 05, 2010  Revised:January 12, 2011
Key Words: ordered semiring   ordered ideal   simple semiring   minimal ideal   matrix.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (Grant No.2010GZS0093).
Author NameAffiliation
Ai Ping GAN Department of Mathematics, Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi 330022, P. R. China 
Yang Lan JIANG Jiangxi Police College, Jiangxi 330103, P. R. China 
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      An ordered semiring is a semiring $S$ equipped with a partial order $\leq$ such that the operations are monotonic and constant 0 is the least element of $S$. In this paper, several notions, for example, ordered ideal, minimal ideal, and maximal ideal of an ordered semiring, simple ordered semirings, etc., are introduced. Some properties of them are given and characterizations for minimal ideals are established. Also, the matrix semiring over an ordered semiring is considered. Partial results obtained in this paper are analogous to the corresponding ones on ordered semigroups, and on the matrix semiring over a semiring.
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