Equitable Strong Edge Coloring of the Joins of Paths and Cycles
Received:May 30, 2010  Revised:January 12, 2011
Key Words: adjacent strong edge coloring   equitable edge coloring   joins of paths   cycle, maximum degree   chromatic index.  
Fund Project:Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant Nos.2011B019), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.10971144; 11101020; 11171026) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Grant No.1102015).
Author NameAffiliation
Tao WANG Department of Basic Curriculum, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Hebei 065201, P. R. China 
Ming Ju LIU LMIB and Department of Mathematics, BeiHang University, Beijing 100083, P. R. China 
De Ming LI Department of Mathematics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, P. R. China 
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      For a proper edge coloring $c$ of a graph $G$, if the sets of colors of adjacent vertices are distinct, the edge coloring $c$ is called an adjacent strong edge coloring of $G$. Let $c_i$ be the number of edges colored by $i$. If $|c_i-c_j|\le 1$ for any two colors $i$ and $j$, then $c$ is an equitable edge coloring of $G$. The coloring $c$ is an equitable adjacent strong edge coloring of $G$ if it is both adjacent strong edge coloring and equitable edge coloring. The least number of colors of such a coloring $c$ is called the equitable adjacent strong chromatic index of $G$. In this paper, we determine the equitable adjacent strong chromatic index of the joins of paths and cycles. Precisely, we show that the equitable adjacent strong chromatic index of the joins of paths and cycles is equal to the maximum degree plus one or two.
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