A Class of Strong Limit Theorems and Moment Generating Function Method
Received:March 09, 2010  Revised:October 03, 2010
Key Words: likelihood ratio   strong limit theorem   moment generating function.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11101014), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No.20101103120016), the Funding Project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality (Grant No.PHR20110822), Training Programme Foundation for the Beijing Municipal Excellent Talents (Grant No.2010D005015000002), the Fundamental Research Foundation of Beijing University of Technology (Grant No.X4006013201101), Education Department Science Project of Hebei Province (Grant No.Z2010297) and Science Project of Shijiazhuang University of Economics (Grant No.XN0912).
Author NameAffiliation
Wen Han LI College of Mathematics and Physics, Shijiazhuang University of Economics, Hebei 050031, P. R. China 
Gao Rong LI College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, P. R. China 
Nan Bin CAO College of Mathematics and Physics, Shijiazhuang University of Economics, Hebei 050031, P. R. China 
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      In virtue of the notion of likelihood ratio and moment generating function, the limit properties of the sequences of absolutely continuous random variables are studied, and a class of strong limit theorems represented by inequalities with random bounds are obtained.
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