A Brief Introduction to Fibrewise Topological Spaces Theory
Received:February 19, 2012  Revised:March 27, 2012
Key Words: Fibrewise topology   Fibrewise topological spaces   Fibrewise topological mapping spaces   Absolute(nbd) fibrewise retract   Fibrewise category.  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10971125).
Author NameAffiliation
Baolin GUO College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Liaoning 116622, P. R. China 
Yingzhao HAN College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Liaoning 116622, P. R. China 
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      Fibrewise topological spaces theory, presented in the recent 20 years, is a new branch of mathematics developed on the basis of General Topology, Algebra topology and Fibrewise spaces theory. It is associated with differential geometry, Lie groups and dynamical systems theory. From the perspective of Category theory, it is in the higher category of general topological space, so the discussion of new properties and characteristics of the variety of fibre topological space has more important significance. This paper introduces the process of the origin and development of Fibrewise topological spaces theory. Then, we study the main contents and important results in this branch. Finally, we review the research status of Fibrewise topological spaces theory and some important topics.
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