Goodearl-Menal Pairs of Linear Transformations
Received:January 30, 2013  Revised:June 04, 2013
Key Words: Goodearl-Menal condition   infinite-dimensional vector space   linear transformation   GM pair.  
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Chunna LI Department of Science, Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhejiang 310024, P. R. China 
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      In this short note we discuss the GM property of some special linear transformation pairs over infinite-dimensional vector spaces. In particular, it is proved that if $R={\rm End}(V_D)$ is the endomorphism ring of an infinite-dimensional right vector space $V$ over a division ring $D$ with $|C(D)|>3$ and $g\in R$, then $(a_0+a_1g,\,g)$ is a GM pair for any $a_0,\,a_1\in C(D)$. Furthermore, two existing results are obtained as immediate consequences.
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