Expanding Integrable Models and Their Some Reductions as Well as Darboux Transformations
Received:June 04, 2015  Revised:September 14, 2015
Key Words: Lie algebra   Hamiltonian structure   integrable hierarchy  
Fund Project:Supported by the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Grant No.CityU 101211), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11371361) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Grant No.ZR2013AL016).
Author NameAffiliation
Binlu FENG School of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Weifang University, Shandong 261061, P. R. China 
Y. C. HON Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P. R. China 
Hits: 2603
Download times: 2013
      In this paper we first present a 3-dimensional Lie algebra $H$ and enlarge it into a 6-dimensional Lie algebra $T$ with corresponding loop algebras $\tilde H$ and $\tilde T$, respectively. By using the loop algebra $\tilde H$ and the Tu scheme, we obtain an integrable hierarchy from which we derive a new Darboux transformation to produce a set of exact periodic solutions. With the loop algebra $\tilde T$, a new integrable-coupling hierarchy is obtained and reduced to some variable-coefficient nonlinear equations, whose Hamiltonian structure is derived by using the variational identity. Furthermore, we construct a higher-dimensional loop algebra $\bar H$ of the Lie algebra $H$ from which a new Liouville-integrable hierarchy with 5-potential functions is produced and reduced to a complex mKdV equation, whose 3-Hamiltonian structure can be obtained by using the trace identity. A new approach is then given for deriving multi-Hamiltonian structures of integrable hierarchies. Finally, we extend the loop algebra $\tilde H$ to obtain an integrable hierarchy with variable coefficients.
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