Matrix Representation of Recursive Sequences of Order $3$ and Its Applications
Received:September 07, 2017  Revised:January 13, 2018
Key Words: recursive number sequence of order $3$   matrix representation of recursive number sequences   Padovan number sequence   Perrin number sequence   Tribonacci polynomial sequence  
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Author NameAffiliation
Tianxiao HE Department of Mathematics, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois $61702$, USA 
Jeff H.-. LIAO Department of Mathematics, Taiwan Normal University, Taipei $11677$, Taiwan, China 
Peter J.-S. SHIUE Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, $89154$-$4020$, USA 
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      Here presented is a matrix representation of recursive number sequences of order $3$ defined by $a_n=pa_{n-1}+qa_{n-2}+ra_{n-3}$ with arbitrary initial conditions $a_0,$ $a_1=0$, and $a_2$ and their special cases of Padovan number sequence and Perrin number sequence with initial conditions $a_0=a_1=0$ and $a_2=1$ and $a_0=3$, $a_1=0$, and $a_2=2$, respectively. The matrix representation is used to construct many well known and new identities of recursive number sequences as well as Pavodan and Perrin sequences.
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