The Injective Chromatic Index of a Claw-Free Subcubic Graph is at Most 6
Received:June 16, 2022  Revised:October 05, 2022
Key Words: injective edge coloring   injective chromatic index   claw-free   subcubic graph  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.11771080).
Author NameAffiliation
Xiaoyuan DONG Department of Primary Education, Nantong Normal College, Jiangsu 226000, P. R. China
School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Jiangsu 210096, P. R. China 
Yuquan LIN School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Jiangsu 210096, P. R. China 
Wensong LIN School of Mathematics, Southeast University, Jiangsu 210096, P. R. China 
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      A coloring of edges of a graph $G$ is injective if for any two distinct edges $e_1$ and $e_2$, the coloring of $e_1$ and $e_2$ are distinct if they are at distance $2$ in $G$ or in a common $3$-cycle. The injective chromatic index of $G$ is the minimum number of colors needed for an injective edge coloring of $G$. It was conjectured that the injective chromatic index of any subcubic graph is at most $6$. In this paper, we partially confirm this conjecture by showing that the injective chromatic index of any claw-free subcubic graph is less than or equal to $6$. The bound $6$ is tight and our proof implies a linear-time algorithm for finding an injective edge coloring using at most $6$ colors for such graphs.
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