$FI$-$t$-Lifting Modules and $T$-Quasi-Dual Baer Modules
Received:August 10, 2023  Revised:November 16, 2023
Key Words: $t$-small module   $FI$-$t$-lifting module   $t$-quasi-dual Baer module  
Fund Project:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.12301055).
Author NameAffiliation
Yu WANG School of Mathematics and Statistics, Taiyuan Normal University, Shanxi 030619, P. R. China 
Yongduo WANG School of Scinence, Lanzhou University of Technology, Gansu 730050, P. R. China 
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      The notions of $FI$-$t$-lifting modules and $t$-quasi-dual Baer modules are introduced and the relations between them are studied in this paper. It is shown that an amply supplemented module $M$ is an $FI$-$t$-lifting module if and only if every fully invariant $t$-coclosed submodule of $M$ is a direct summand of $M$ if and only if $\bar{Z}^{2}(M)$ is a direct summand of $M$ and $\bar{Z}^{2}(M)$ is an $FI$-lifting module if and only if $M$ is $t$-quasi-dual Baer and an $FI$-$t$-$\mathcal{K}$-module.
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