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| Some Properties on the Category C-c′ |
| Yu Yongxi |
| 1987,7(3):367-371 [Abstract(1717)] [View PDF] |
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| A Counter Example on Faudree-Schelp Conjecture |
| Liu Bolian |
| 1987,7(3):372 [Abstract(1857)] [View PDF] |
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| The Characterizations of the orthogonal System of Totally Umbilical Hypersurfaces in a Space of Constant Curvature |
| Wu Shaohua |
| 1987,7(3):373-378 [Abstract(2047)] [View PDF] |
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| On hypersurfaces in a conformally flat Riemannian manifold with parallel second fundamental form |
| Shui Naixiang |
| 1987,7(3):379-382 [Abstract(2290)] [View PDF] |
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| On Topoiogical Spaces with A σ-Almost Locally Finite Base |
| Shi Weixue |
| 1987,7(3):383-388 [Abstract(2150)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Structure of Molecular Lattices |
| Liu Qiangzhong |
| 1987,7(3):389-392 [Abstract(1956)] [View PDF] |
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| Unitary Similarity Theory of Matrices over the Strong p-Division Ring (Ⅰ) |
| Tu Boxun |
| 1987,7(3):393-402 [Abstract(1857)] [View PDF] |
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| Tensor Products of Weyl Modules and Ext1-groups for Type A1 |
| Du Jie |
| 1987,7(3):403-407 [Abstract(1831)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于幂数的几个问题 |
| Xiao Rong |
| 1987,7(3):408-410 [Abstract(1850)] [View PDF] |
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| On a Problem of Hall |
| Cao Zhenfu |
| 1987,7(3):411-413 [Abstract(1790)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于方程Dx2±1=yp,xy≠0 |
| Cao Zhenfu |
| 1987,7(3):414 [Abstract(1781)] [View PDF] |
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| 以单叶函数为符号的解析Toeplitz算子的拟相似性 |
| 郭多祚 |
| 1987,7(3):415-418 [Abstract(1823)] [View PDF] |
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| 振荡积分的渐近展开及其应用 |
| Chen Shuxing, Shi Jiahong and Qiu Qingjiu |
| 1987,7(3):419-427 [Abstract(1807)] [View PDF] |
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| 关于超平行体的几个不等式 |
| Leng Gangsong |
| 1987,7(3):428 [Abstract(1926)] [View PDF] |
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| A Note on Ekeland-Caristi's Theorem |
| Qin Chenglin |
| 1987,7(3):429-432 [Abstract(1742)] [View PDF] |
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| 二阶非线性泛函微分方程的渐近性与振动性 |
| Li Xiaojun |
| 1987,7(3):433-438 [Abstract(1647)] [View PDF] |
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| 具无界值上半连续集值映射的拓扑度 |
| Fan Xianling |
| 1987,7(3):439-442 [Abstract(1655)] [View PDF] |
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| Existence of Solutions of Boundary Value Problems For a Class of Third Order Nonlinear Differential Equations |
| Zhao Weili |
| 1987,7(3):443-450 [Abstract(1888)] [View PDF] |
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| 二阶非线性椭圆型方程组某些带复共轭值的边值问题 |
| Li Zizhi, Li Hongzhen and Wen Guochun |
| 1987,7(3):451-456 [Abstract(1846)] [View PDF] |
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| A Pointwise “o” Saturation Theorem |
| Chen Wenzhong |
| 1987,7(3):457-462 [Abstract(1685)] [View PDF] |
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| 二元四次样条函数空间的维数与基底 |
| Wu Jin |
| 1987,7(3):463-466 [Abstract(1972)] [View PDF] |
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| A note on the convergence of odd-degree Spline interpolation |
| Wang Xiang |
| 1987,7(3):467-470 [Abstract(1754)] [View PDF] |
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| 概率线性赋范空间与随机算子 |
| Zhang Shisheng |
| 1987,7(3):471-475 [Abstract(1801)] [View PDF] |
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| Hyponormalizable Operators |
| Du Hongke |
| 1987,7(3):476-478 [Abstract(2063)] [View PDF] |
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| Conditions for the uniqueness of statistic's distribution in the class of spherical distridutions |
| Bian Guorui, Wang Jiagang and Zhang Yaoting |
| 1987,7(3):479-486 [Abstract(2146)] [View PDF] |
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| Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Likelihood Ratio Tests of Linear Functional Reiationship with Left C(n)- Invariant |
| Bian Guorui and Zhang Yaoting |
| 1987,7(3):487-497 [Abstract(2346)] [View PDF] |
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| Quasi-I-Hamilton Connectedness of Tree Graphs |
| Gao Jingzhen |
| 1987,7(3):498 [Abstract(1941)] [View PDF] |
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| 椭球对称性检验 |
| Deng Weicai |
| 1987,7(3):499-504 [Abstract(2415)] [View PDF] |
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| Rearrangement Inequalities |
| Wei Wandi and C.L.Liu |
| 1987,7(3):505-510 [Abstract(1966)] [View PDF] |
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| On the Number of Combinat ions Without k-Separat ions |
| Chu Wenchang |
| 1987,7(3):511-520 [Abstract(2134)] [View PDF] |
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| 论深入开展数学方法论研究的重要性——兼评《数学方法论选讲》一书 |
| Huang Kaibin and Zheng Yuxin |
| 1987,7(3):521-524 [Abstract(1842)] [View PDF] |
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| 离散数学在数学系教学计划中应占什么地位 |
| Guan Meigu |
| 1987,7(3):525-526 [Abstract(1677)] [View PDF] |
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