A ClaSSification of Solvable Symmetric Graphs of Order 6p
Received:October 12, 1992  
Key Words: graph   solvable group   permutation group   imprimitive action.  
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Author NameAffiliation
Wang Ruji Dept.of Math
Capital Normal University
Beijing 100037 
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      Let X be a simple undirected graph and G a subgroup of Aut(X).X is said to beG-symmetric if G acts transitively on the set of ordered adjacent pairs of vertices of X.X is said to be symmetric if it is Aut(X)-symmetric. X is said to be solvable symmetricgraph if Aut(x)contains a solvable subgroup G such that X is G-symmetric,In thispaper we give a classification for solvable symmetric graphs of order 6p where p≥5 is aprlme.
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