A System of Temporal Logic Based on Medium Logic
Key Words: medium logic   temporal logic   proposition logic   medium temporal logic.  
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Author NameAffiliation
Shi Qingsheng Department of Computer Science and Engineering
NUAA Nanjing
Department of Basic Sciences
NACEI Nanjing
Zhang Dongmo Department of Computer Science and Engineering
NUAA Nanjing
State Key Laboratory for Novd Software Technology, Nanjing Uninersity, Nanjing 210008 
Zhu Wujia Department of Computer Science and Engineering
NUAA Nanjing
State Key Laboratory for Novd Software Technology, Nanjing Uninersity, Nanjing 210008 
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      This paper presents a system of MTL (Medium Temporal Logic) based on the medium logic. Emphasis is given on the formal system of MTL, by discussing its semantics and proving the soundness: Finally,we compare the system of MTL with that of classical temporal propositional logic,pointing out that it is a subsystem of MTL.
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